Wang Zhiyu, Zhu Minhui, Bai Youtian. UNSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHM BASED ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF MUELLER MATRIX[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2001, 23(5): 454-459.
Wang Zhiyu, Zhu Minhui, Bai Youtian. UNSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHM BASED ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF MUELLER MATRIX[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2001, 23(5): 454-459.
Wang Zhiyu, Zhu Minhui, Bai Youtian. UNSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHM BASED ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF MUELLER MATRIX[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2001, 23(5): 454-459.
Wang Zhiyu, Zhu Minhui, Bai Youtian. UNSUPERVISED CLUSTERING ALGORITHM BASED ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF MUELLER MATRIX[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2001, 23(5): 454-459.
An unsupervised clustering algorithm is described in this paper, which utilizes the coefncient of decomposition of the Mueller matrix of the polarimetric SAR image. The algorithm can classify the image into three distinct categories, i.e., building area, vegetated area, and slightly rough surface (e.g. water) without any terrain measurement according to the various experienced knowledge about scattering mechnism of terrain targets. Compared with other unsupervised clustering algorithm based on the single polarimetric gray-scale image, this
algorithm is characterized that it can not only cluster every pixel according to its character, but also determine the scattering mechnism of every class, and the type of targets.
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