A new method of calculating the large-chang sensitivity--hybrid matrix method is proposed. This method, is based on the hybrid matrix equation of the linear m-port network with controlled sources. It can be used for the circuits containing VCVS and CCVS. Eight characteristics of large-change sensitivity are given. They will make the method more perfect and flexible to use.
K. Brayton and R. Spence, CAD of Electronic Circuits; (2) Sensitivity and Optimization Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam Oxford, New York, 1980, chap. 1-7.[2]K. H. Lhung and R. Spence, IEEE Trans. on CAS, CAS-22(1975), 776.[3]S. Haley, ibid., CAS-27(1980), 305.[4]L. O. Chva and P. M. Lin, Computer Aided Analysis of Electronic Circuits: Algorithms and Computational Technigues Prentice-Hall Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1975, chap. 6.