Jiang Wenbin. A METHOD OF SIMPLIFYING THREE-VALUED T-GATE COMBINATIONAL NETWORKSTHE TRUTH TABLE SPLITTING METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(3): 361-366.
Jiang Wenbin. A METHOD OF SIMPLIFYING THREE-VALUED T-GATE COMBINATIONAL NETWORKSTHE TRUTH TABLE SPLITTING METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(3): 361-366.
Jiang Wenbin. A METHOD OF SIMPLIFYING THREE-VALUED T-GATE COMBINATIONAL NETWORKSTHE TRUTH TABLE SPLITTING METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(3): 361-366.
Jiang Wenbin. A METHOD OF SIMPLIFYING THREE-VALUED T-GATE COMBINATIONAL NETWORKSTHE TRUTH TABLE SPLITTING METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(3): 361-366.
A method of simplifying three-valued T-gate combinational networks, known as a method of splitting the truth table, is given in this paper. By using the method, the three-valued T-gate combinational networks can be simplified to minimization or near minimization, the used operating time is less, and the programme can easily be programmed and operated on a computer.
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