Dai Shixiong, Lu Shu. NODE UNIT CURRENT MODEL FOR CALCULATINGSURFACE CURRENT DISTRIBUTION ONARBITRARY SHAPE CONDUCTORS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1990, 12(4): 369-377.
Dai Shixiong, Lu Shu. NODE UNIT CURRENT MODEL FOR CALCULATINGSURFACE CURRENT DISTRIBUTION ONARBITRARY SHAPE CONDUCTORS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1990, 12(4): 369-377.
Dai Shixiong, Lu Shu. NODE UNIT CURRENT MODEL FOR CALCULATINGSURFACE CURRENT DISTRIBUTION ONARBITRARY SHAPE CONDUCTORS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1990, 12(4): 369-377.
Dai Shixiong, Lu Shu. NODE UNIT CURRENT MODEL FOR CALCULATINGSURFACE CURRENT DISTRIBUTION ONARBITRARY SHAPE CONDUCTORS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1990, 12(4): 369-377.
A new type of current model, defined as node nuit current model, for calculating current distribution on arbitrary shape conductors is presented. By using this model, the number of unknowns necessary for MM solution of current distribution is decreased greatly. The current solutions for typical problems are given. They are in agreement with those obtained by exact formulas and other approaches.
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