The (n, F, k) system consists of n components. If the number of failed component is more than F, or the number of adjacent failed component is more than K, tken the system fails. A recursive formula for computing reliability of the system is presented, and the up and low bound of reliability of this system are given.
Steven S.Tung, Proceedings Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1952, Los Angeles, CA USA, 1982, Jan. 26-28, pp: 262-266.[2]猪瀚博编著,尤国俊,肖俊远译,计算机系统的高可靠性技术,国防工业出版社,1985年,3月.[3]C. Deman, et al., IEEE Tans. on Reliability, R-31(1982), 57-63.[4]D.T.Chaing, S.C. Niu, IEEE Trans. on Reilability, R-30(1981), 87-89.