Yuan Jiehui, Wei Zhenggang, Cai Yuanlong. A STUDY ON THE PERCEPTUAL ENTROPY OF IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2000, 22(1): 23-27.
Yuan Jiehui, Wei Zhenggang, Cai Yuanlong. A STUDY ON THE PERCEPTUAL ENTROPY OF IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2000, 22(1): 23-27.
Yuan Jiehui, Wei Zhenggang, Cai Yuanlong. A STUDY ON THE PERCEPTUAL ENTROPY OF IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2000, 22(1): 23-27.
Yuan Jiehui, Wei Zhenggang, Cai Yuanlong. A STUDY ON THE PERCEPTUAL ENTROPY OF IMAGES USING WAVELET TRANSFORM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2000, 22(1): 23-27.
In this paper,perceptual error threhhold (PET) functions in different wavelet subbands are obtained through subjective tests on artificial patterns,A new and generic two stage coding scheme is thus proposed,based on the nonuniform zero-trees of wavelet coefficients and the visually nonuniform quantization of small coefficients in higher subbands.Researches have been done for the visual transparent and nearly transparent cases,in comparisons with JPEG standard.Experimental results showed the feasibility and robustness of the scheme,Transparent quality can be obtained around 10 compression ratios for natural images.
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