Liu Yonghong, Wang Hongyu. THE CONE-KERNEL TIME-FREQUENCY REPRESENTATION USING ADAPTIVE SCHEME OVER BOTH TIME AND FREQUENCY[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 182-187.
Liu Yonghong, Wang Hongyu. THE CONE-KERNEL TIME-FREQUENCY REPRESENTATION USING ADAPTIVE SCHEME OVER BOTH TIME AND FREQUENCY[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 182-187.
Liu Yonghong, Wang Hongyu. THE CONE-KERNEL TIME-FREQUENCY REPRESENTATION USING ADAPTIVE SCHEME OVER BOTH TIME AND FREQUENCY[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 182-187.
Liu Yonghong, Wang Hongyu. THE CONE-KERNEL TIME-FREQUENCY REPRESENTATION USING ADAPTIVE SCHEME OVER BOTH TIME AND FREQUENCY[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(2): 182-187.
A cone-kernel time-frequency representation using adaptive scheme over both time and frequency is presented. For adapting to the analysed signal, the time-frequency representation uses varying cone length in each time-frequency point. It yields better results and requires only slightly more computation than the cone-kernel time-frequency representation that uses only time adaptive scheme.
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