Liu Jianzhuang, Tu Yuqing. THRESHOLDING OF IMAGES USING AN EFFICIENT c-MEAN CLUSTERING ALGORITHM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1992, 14(4): 424-427.
Liu Jianzhuang, Tu Yuqing. THRESHOLDING OF IMAGES USING AN EFFICIENT c-MEAN CLUSTERING ALGORITHM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1992, 14(4): 424-427.
Liu Jianzhuang, Tu Yuqing. THRESHOLDING OF IMAGES USING AN EFFICIENT c-MEAN CLUSTERING ALGORITHM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1992, 14(4): 424-427.
Liu Jianzhuang, Tu Yuqing. THRESHOLDING OF IMAGES USING AN EFFICIENT c-MEAN CLUSTERING ALGORITHM[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1992, 14(4): 424-427.
Otsu s method (1979) is considered as a good thresholding method for image segmentation. In this paper, an efficient c-mean calustring algorithm which is suitable for image segmentation is proposed. It yields th came results as Otsu s method, but its computational time is about one order of magnitude less than that of Otsu s method.
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