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Volume 46 Issue 8
Aug.  2024
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CHEN Hui, ZHANG Dingding, LIAN Feng, HAN Chongzhao. Student’s t Inverse Wishart Smoothing Algorithm for Extended Target Tracking[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2024, 46(8): 3353-3362. doi: 10.11999/JEIT231145
Citation: CHEN Hui, ZHANG Dingding, LIAN Feng, HAN Chongzhao. Student’s t Inverse Wishart Smoothing Algorithm for Extended Target Tracking[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2024, 46(8): 3353-3362. doi: 10.11999/JEIT231145

Student’s t Inverse Wishart Smoothing Algorithm for Extended Target Tracking

doi: 10.11999/JEIT231145 cstr: 32379.14.JEIT231145
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62163023, 62366031, 62363023, 61873116), Gansu Province Education Department Industrial Support Project (2021CYZC-02), The Special Fund Project for Civil-Military Integration Development of Gansu Province in 2023, The Key Talent Project of Gansu Province in 2024
  • Received Date: 2023-10-24
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-01-24
  • Available Online: 2024-02-26
  • Publish Date: 2024-08-10
  • Elements such as pulse interference and outlier measurement information usually lead to abnormal heavy-tailed noise, which sharply reduces the performance of the Extended Target Tracking (ETT) estimator based on the Gaussian hypothesis. To address this problem, a Student’s t Inverse Wishart Smoothing (StIWS) algorithm based on the Random Matrix Model (RMM) is proposed. Firstly, the kinematic state of the target, process noise and measurement noise are modeled as a Student’s t distribution to characterize the effect of anomalous noise on the probability distribution of extended target, and the extended state of target is modeled as a random matrix which obeys inverse Wishart distribution. Then, in a Student’s t bayesian smoothing frame, the StIWS algorithm is derived in detail, which can effectively estimate target state in the process of the dynamic evolution of multiple characteristics of extended target. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is verified by the simulation experiment and the engineering experiment of extended target tracking.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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