Addressing scheme for Internet of Things (IoTs) is proposed based on IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN), for the real-time communication?between Internet and underlying heterogeneous networks based on IEEE 802.15.4. Addressing scheme includes IPv6 address autoconfiguration and head compression. Hierarchical address autoconfiguration firstly allow nodes use link local address, which is derived by 16-bit short address, for transmitting data packets within WPAN, meanwhile, this link local address needs to ensure the uniqueness of 16-bit short address by performing duplicate address detection based on clustering. Secondly, all the sink nodes in underlying networks form global address by obtaining global address prefix, which combine with interface identifier, and achieve data exchange between Internet and the underlying networks. Simultaneity, IoTs IPv6 Header Compression (IIPHC) is proposed by embedding G/L bit in head compression encoding. For the link local address, simple IIPHC1 program is used. For the global address, IIPHC2 that is relatively complex but effective program is used. The simulation result indicates that addressing scheme have an improvement in networks overhead, latency, throughput and energy consumption.