Li Mingyang, Li Deming, Dong Lie, Gao Jie. CHARGE-DENSITY METHOD FOR SOLVING ELECTROSTATIC FIELD: PROGRAM AND ERROR ANALYSIS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1986, 8(6): 469-476.
Li Mingyang, Li Deming, Dong Lie, Gao Jie. CHARGE-DENSITY METHOD FOR SOLVING ELECTROSTATIC FIELD: PROGRAM AND ERROR ANALYSIS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1986, 8(6): 469-476.
Li Mingyang, Li Deming, Dong Lie, Gao Jie. CHARGE-DENSITY METHOD FOR SOLVING ELECTROSTATIC FIELD: PROGRAM AND ERROR ANALYSIS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1986, 8(6): 469-476.
Li Mingyang, Li Deming, Dong Lie, Gao Jie. CHARGE-DENSITY METHOD FOR SOLVING ELECTROSTATIC FIELD: PROGRAM AND ERROR ANALYSIS[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1986, 8(6): 469-476.
The charge-density method is investigated mainly on the errors which arise from the finite segments and their distribution. It is proved that the higher accuracy will reach if more segments are chosen. at where the charge density is high and at the region nearby the area where the field is to be ealculated. A program is set up. The differencc between the ealeulated data. and the published ones given by E. Harting and F. H. Eead (1976) is less than 1%.
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