Hu Wenlong, Mao Shiyi . MULTISENSOR DATA ASSOCIATION APPROACH BASED UPON COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(6): 561-566.
Hu Wenlong, Mao Shiyi . MULTISENSOR DATA ASSOCIATION APPROACH BASED UPON COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(6): 561-566.
Hu Wenlong, Mao Shiyi . MULTISENSOR DATA ASSOCIATION APPROACH BASED UPON COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(6): 561-566.
Hu Wenlong, Mao Shiyi . MULTISENSOR DATA ASSOCIATION APPROACH BASED UPON COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1996, 18(6): 561-566.
For a tracking system consisting of heterogeneous sensors such as radar and IRST, the combinatorial assignment is applied to solve the multitarget data association which is formulated as a partition of the multiple dimension data set including the measurements and predicted tracks from targets.
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