Rijndael was selected as the AES. The best-known attack against Rijndael is still the one presented by the designers called Square attack. Square attack is a chosen plaintext attack. In this paper a new kind of attack called Inverse Square attack is presented which is a kind of chosen cipher text attack and better than Square attack. It also shows that if only inverse the moving direction of RotByte transformation of key schedule, the complexity of the attack will be 2~8-factor bellow the complexity of Square attack.
Daemen J, Rijmen V. AES proposal, Rijndael, In AES Round i Technical Evaluation CD-1,Documentation, NIST, August 1998, See http:∥www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/ or http:∥www. nist. gov/aes.[2]Daemen J, Knudsen L, Rijmen V. The block cipher Square[J].Proc. of FSE97, lecture notes in conputer science.1267, 1997:149-165[3]Ferguson N, Kelsey J, Stefan Lucks, Schneier B, Stay M, Wagner D, Whiting D. Improved cryptanalysis of Rijndael, AES Round 3 Technical Evaluation. NIST, August 1999, See http:∥www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/~rijmen/rijndael/or http:∥www.nist.gov/aes.