Zeng Kun, Tang You-xi, Tian Bin, Kong Ting, Li Shao-qian. Order-Interference-Cancellation Detection Scheme for V-BLAST Signals with Distributed Transmit Antennas[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28(1): 135-138.
Zeng Kun, Tang You-xi, Tian Bin, Kong Ting, Li Shao-qian. Order-Interference-Cancellation Detection Scheme for V-BLAST Signals with Distributed Transmit Antennas[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28(1): 135-138.
Zeng Kun, Tang You-xi, Tian Bin, Kong Ting, Li Shao-qian. Order-Interference-Cancellation Detection Scheme for V-BLAST Signals with Distributed Transmit Antennas[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28(1): 135-138.
Zeng Kun, Tang You-xi, Tian Bin, Kong Ting, Li Shao-qian. Order-Interference-Cancellation Detection Scheme for V-BLAST Signals with Distributed Transmit Antennas[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2006, 28(1): 135-138.
An Order-Interference-Cancellation (OIC) detection scheme is presented for Distributed Transmit Antennas Vertical Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (DTA-V-BLAST) systems. Some preliminary simulation results in single-path Rayleigh fading channel show that this algorithm can be used in the system with arbitrary receive antennas, the average bit error rate (BER) performance of this OIC approach is more 3dB better than using direct Zero-Frocing(ZF) scheme on the higher SNR (above 20dB). The capability of DTA-V-BLAST-OIC is better than the Golden scheme used in the V-BLAST signals with co-location transmit antennas with the same SNR.