Ma Xiaomin, Yang Yixian, Zhang Zhaozhi. A NEURAL NETWORK FOR DECODING OF NONLINEAR CODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(6): 847-851.
Ma Xiaomin, Yang Yixian, Zhang Zhaozhi. A NEURAL NETWORK FOR DECODING OF NONLINEAR CODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(6): 847-851.
Ma Xiaomin, Yang Yixian, Zhang Zhaozhi. A NEURAL NETWORK FOR DECODING OF NONLINEAR CODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(6): 847-851.
Ma Xiaomin, Yang Yixian, Zhang Zhaozhi. A NEURAL NETWORK FOR DECODING OF NONLINEAR CODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1998, 20(6): 847-851.
A decoding strategy for nonlinear codes using a neural network is presented. Within the capacity of error correction, it can correct and detect errors of general nonlinear codes which have some specific code distance with zero error probability. This paper describes structure of the neural network, learning algorithm and theory analysis. Finally, one decoding example: nonlinear constant weight code is demonstrated to prove the availability and values of theory and application.
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