Zhou Lei, Li Jian-dong, Chen Chen, Li Feng. A Novel DWPM System Based on ML Algorithm and Blind Channel Identification[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(8): 1254-1257.
Zhou Lei, Li Jian-dong, Chen Chen, Li Feng. A Novel DWPM System Based on ML Algorithm and Blind Channel Identification[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(8): 1254-1257.
Zhou Lei, Li Jian-dong, Chen Chen, Li Feng. A Novel DWPM System Based on ML Algorithm and Blind Channel Identification[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(8): 1254-1257.
Zhou Lei, Li Jian-dong, Chen Chen, Li Feng. A Novel DWPM System Based on ML Algorithm and Blind Channel Identification[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(8): 1254-1257.
A novel DWPM (Discrete Wavelet Packet Modulation) system with blind channel identification based on Maximum Likelihood (ML) algorithm is studied for multipath fading channel. The Channel State Information (CSI) is obtained with blind channel identification method and inter-symbol interference is suppressed by H matrix based on ZF (Zero Forcing) algorithm. Finally, the demodulated symbols are detected by ML algorithm. The performance of the system under the multipath fading channel is analyzed by simulation, The simulation results show the performance of the system is better than that of the traditional OFDM system.
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