Chen Xiaochu, Leng Mei . RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR ADAPTIVE ARRAYS AND SYSTOLIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(6): 751-755.
Chen Xiaochu, Leng Mei . RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR ADAPTIVE ARRAYS AND SYSTOLIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(6): 751-755.
Chen Xiaochu, Leng Mei . RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR ADAPTIVE ARRAYS AND SYSTOLIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(6): 751-755.
Chen Xiaochu, Leng Mei . RECURSIVE ALGORITHM FOR ADAPTIVE ARRAYS AND SYSTOLIC ARRAY IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1997, 19(6): 751-755.
In this paper, a new recursive algorithm for adaptive array weight vectors and its systolic array implementing structure are proposed, which are based on the QR factorization algorithms and the idea of the algorithmic engineering. The algorithm can realize fully parallel and pipeline processing.
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