Li Yong, Liu Yuping, Lian Baowang, Wang Yongsheng, Zhang Yi. Application of the weight reassignment method to multi-object radar signal resolution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(1): 31-36.
Li Yong, Liu Yuping, Lian Baowang, Wang Yongsheng, Zhang Yi. Application of the weight reassignment method to multi-object radar signal resolution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(1): 31-36.
Li Yong, Liu Yuping, Lian Baowang, Wang Yongsheng, Zhang Yi. Application of the weight reassignment method to multi-object radar signal resolution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(1): 31-36.
Li Yong, Liu Yuping, Lian Baowang, Wang Yongsheng, Zhang Yi. Application of the weight reassignment method to multi-object radar signal resolution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2003, 25(1): 31-36.
In this paper, multi-object radar signals resolution is studied by using the weight reassignment method, which can easily be realized because of its fast algorithm and its simple structure. Although time- frequency distribution is not bilinear when the reassignment method is used, it exhibits some other good properties, especially its perfect localizing for chirp and impulse signals. Based on the linear frequency modulation model of radar signals,which are suit for using the reassignment method, real formation radar targets echo data is processed to
obtain better radar multi-object classification. A number of experimental results are given to
prove that the weight reassignment method can be used to improve time-frequency resolution
and capability of restraining interference and noise.
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