The boundary-element method is used for the investigation of horn antennas, and the input standing-wave property, aperture field, near field and far field of horn antennas are studied throughly. The obtained results are in good agreement with data available in the literatures. Some examples are given to show the validity and usefulness of this approach.
Shin Kagami, IEEE Trans on MTT, MTT-32(1984)4, 455-461.[2]K. Matsumaru, IRE Trans on MTT, MTT-6 (1958)4, 143-149.[3]N. Okamoto, Trans. IECE Jpn., J59-B(1976)1, 25-32.[4]R. E. Collin, Antennas and Radiowave Propagation, McGraw-Hill, New York, (1985), pp. 164-169.