Wan Mingjian, Xiao Xianci. SENSOR LOCATION CALIBRATION USING SIGNAL SUBSPACE METHODS FOR DIRECTION FINDING TECHNIQUE[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 461-467.
Pan Hui-Zhen, Zhang Gui-Cheng, Xu Shao-Hua, Pang Yong-Xiu, Cheng Zong-Quan, Fu Xiao-Mei, Zhu Li-Ming, Hu Dao-Shan. THE STUDY OF GaAs DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION HIGH-RADIANCE LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1981, 3(1): 22-28.
Wan Mingjian, Xiao Xianci. SENSOR LOCATION CALIBRATION USING SIGNAL SUBSPACE METHODS FOR DIRECTION FINDING TECHNIQUE[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 461-467.
Pan Hui-Zhen, Zhang Gui-Cheng, Xu Shao-Hua, Pang Yong-Xiu, Cheng Zong-Quan, Fu Xiao-Mei, Zhu Li-Ming, Hu Dao-Shan. THE STUDY OF GaAs DOUBLE HETEROJUNCTION HIGH-RADIANCE LIGHT-EMITTING DIODES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1981, 3(1): 22-28.
GaAs-Ga1-x Alx As double heterojunction material was grown by liquid phase epitaxial technique, and small area high radiance light emitting diodes are made. The radiation power is above 100W/sr.cm2, output power of the tail fibre (inner diameter 60m N.A.=0.17) is 200W, and extrapolated life reaches 105 hours. It is already being used in the 1.8km 8.448 Mb/s PCM-120 route optic fibre telephone communication system. Analysis is made on the operational characteristics of the diodes. Factors affecting its proper use and approaches for improvement are discussed.
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Wan Mingjian, Xiao Xianci. SENSOR LOCATION CALIBRATION USING SIGNAL SUBSPACE METHODS FOR DIRECTION FINDING TECHNIQUE[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 461-467.
Wan Mingjian, Xiao Xianci. SENSOR LOCATION CALIBRATION USING SIGNAL SUBSPACE METHODS FOR DIRECTION FINDING TECHNIQUE[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 461-467.