Hao Chongyang. TWO NEW METHODS FOR COMPUTATION OF THE SEGMENTATION CONVOLUTION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 538-543.
Hao Chongyang. TWO NEW METHODS FOR COMPUTATION OF THE SEGMENTATION CONVOLUTION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 538-543.
Hao Chongyang. TWO NEW METHODS FOR COMPUTATION OF THE SEGMENTATION CONVOLUTION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 538-543.
Hao Chongyang. TWO NEW METHODS FOR COMPUTATION OF THE SEGMENTATION CONVOLUTION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1991, 13(5): 538-543.
The two new methods presented in this paper is primarily concerned with a new procedure for computation of two sequences, both are scgmented. For long signal and long unit-impulse response filter (high-order filter), they will reduce the waiting time greatly, so that the fikered points will be quickly obtained and total operating time will be saved. Furthermore, they can also save the memory space. So the new methods have the ad-vantage of higher efficiency. Compared with using the traditional overlap-save method, the
processing error due to cutting tail will no longer exist by using the new methods.
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