Zhu Shixin. A FAST ALGORITHM FOR THE GENERATION OF k-ARY DE BRUIJN SEQUENCES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 618-622.
Zhu Shixin. A FAST ALGORITHM FOR THE GENERATION OF k-ARY DE BRUIJN SEQUENCES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 618-622.
Zhu Shixin. A FAST ALGORITHM FOR THE GENERATION OF k-ARY DE BRUIJN SEQUENCES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 618-622.
Zhu Shixin. A FAST ALGORITHM FOR THE GENERATION OF k-ARY DE BRUIJN SEQUENCES[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 618-622.
De Bruijn sequences are highly important nonlinear shift register sequences. This paper presents a new algorithm for the generation of k-ary de Bruijn sequences by juxtaposing the periodic reductions of the necklaces. Its each step produces a string of elements instead of one element. Hence the algorithm reduces the lime of operation, and accelerates the speed of generation.
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