Yin Hejun, Lu Baowei, Song Wenmiao, Yin Yuanzhao. THE REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF HARMONIC WAVES AT A PLANE INTERFACE BETWEEN LINEAR AND NONLINEAR MEDIA[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 623-630.
Yin Hejun, Lu Baowei, Song Wenmiao, Yin Yuanzhao. THE REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF HARMONIC WAVES AT A PLANE INTERFACE BETWEEN LINEAR AND NONLINEAR MEDIA[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 623-630.
Yin Hejun, Lu Baowei, Song Wenmiao, Yin Yuanzhao. THE REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF HARMONIC WAVES AT A PLANE INTERFACE BETWEEN LINEAR AND NONLINEAR MEDIA[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 623-630.
Yin Hejun, Lu Baowei, Song Wenmiao, Yin Yuanzhao. THE REFLECTION AND TRANSMISSION OF HARMONIC WAVES AT A PLANE INTERFACE BETWEEN LINEAR AND NONLINEAR MEDIA[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1995, 17(6): 623-630.
The laws of reflection and refraction of harmonic waves at a plane interface between linear and nonlinear media are carefully analysed. The exact expressions of the reflective and transmissive fields are derived. The further discussions are made to the fields under the conditions of vertical incidence and phase-matching.
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