Wang Ruoyu, Zheng Qilun, Huang Guanguang. A SYMBOL-LOGIC-BASED NEURON MODEL AND CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(1): 55-59.
Wang Ruoyu, Zheng Qilun, Huang Guanguang. A SYMBOL-LOGIC-BASED NEURON MODEL AND CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(1): 55-59.
Wang Ruoyu, Zheng Qilun, Huang Guanguang. A SYMBOL-LOGIC-BASED NEURON MODEL AND CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(1): 55-59.
Wang Ruoyu, Zheng Qilun, Huang Guanguang. A SYMBOL-LOGIC-BASED NEURON MODEL AND CIRCUIT IMPLEMENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(1): 55-59.
In order to implement the symbol-logic-based neural network system, a model of logical neuron is denned in this paper. The logical neuron circuits and all kinds of logic -function circuits have been realized by using current-mode CMOS VLSI implementation. Finally, the results of circuits simulations are verified.
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