Li Ying, Guo Xu-dong, Wang Xin-mei. The Design of Serially Concatenated Space-Time Codes[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1732-1736.
Li Ying, Guo Xu-dong, Wang Xin-mei. The Design of Serially Concatenated Space-Time Codes[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1732-1736.
Li Ying, Guo Xu-dong, Wang Xin-mei. The Design of Serially Concatenated Space-Time Codes[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1732-1736.
Li Ying, Guo Xu-dong, Wang Xin-mei. The Design of Serially Concatenated Space-Time Codes[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1732-1736.
A class of Convolutional Space-Time Code(CSTC) is designed for Serially Concatenated Space-Time Code(SCSTC) with an arbitrary number of transmit antennas. The most apparent characteristic of the designed SCSTC is that the data rate increases with the number of transmit antennas. The concept of EXIT (EXtrinsic Information Transfer) Chart is generalized to multiple antenna system to study the convergence of SCSTC. Compared with the available SCSTC with space-time trellis code as the inner code, the new SCSTC can converge earlier and have improved performance.
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