Luo Yi-jun, Li Jin, Qiu Pei-liang. United-Decision Estimating Used in Soft-Decision Viterbi Decoding[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1426-1432.
Luo Yi-jun, Li Jin, Qiu Pei-liang. United-Decision Estimating Used in Soft-Decision Viterbi Decoding[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1426-1432.
Luo Yi-jun, Li Jin, Qiu Pei-liang. United-Decision Estimating Used in Soft-Decision Viterbi Decoding[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1426-1432.
Luo Yi-jun, Li Jin, Qiu Pei-liang. United-Decision Estimating Used in Soft-Decision Viterbi Decoding[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1426-1432.
By using the relation of neighboring data, an improved Viterbi algorithm is proposed and extended it to SOVA decoding of Turbo code in this paper. Simulation results show that, the improved algorithm has reduced-implementation-complexity and lower power consumption. With the proposed algorithm, it is achieved that reduction of 20% in the size and power consumption of survivor memory and reduction of 30% in the size and power consumption of trace back unit in Viterbi decoding. Furthermore, the improvement can achieve reduction of about 15% in the size and power consumption of reliability metric memory and output unit or save half iterations in soft-decision output Viterbi algorithm of Turbo code.
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