Wu Xunwei, Q. Qiu, M. Pedram. A SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY FOR ECL CIRCUITS BASED ON MIXED VOLTAGE-CURRENT REPRESENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 384-390.
Wu Xunwei, Q. Qiu, M. Pedram. A SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY FOR ECL CIRCUITS BASED ON MIXED VOLTAGE-CURRENT REPRESENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 384-390.
Wu Xunwei, Q. Qiu, M. Pedram. A SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY FOR ECL CIRCUITS BASED ON MIXED VOLTAGE-CURRENT REPRESENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 384-390.
Wu Xunwei, Q. Qiu, M. Pedram. A SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY FOR ECL CIRCUITS BASED ON MIXED VOLTAGE-CURRENT REPRESENTATION[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 384-390.
This paper presents a synthesis methodology for ECL circuits based on a mixed voltage-current signal representation and operation denned on the voltage and current signals. The ideas presented in this paper are then demonstrated on the design of an ECL 1-bit full adder. The paper concludes by presenting an algebra system which is suitable for current signal representation and operation on currents.
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