Wang wei-wei, Shui Peng-lang. Wavelet Tramsform Prefilter Design Based on Polynomial Interpolation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1765-1769.
Wang wei-wei, Shui Peng-lang. Wavelet Tramsform Prefilter Design Based on Polynomial Interpolation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1765-1769.
Wang wei-wei, Shui Peng-lang. Wavelet Tramsform Prefilter Design Based on Polynomial Interpolation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1765-1769.
Wang wei-wei, Shui Peng-lang. Wavelet Tramsform Prefilter Design Based on Polynomial Interpolation[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2005, 27(11): 1765-1769.
This paper presents a novel method to design prefilters starting from analysis scaling functions and utilizing the algebraic polynomial interpolation. In the case of uniform sampling, the obtained prefilters are time-invariant and its coefficients are linear combinations of the moments of the analysis scaling function. Its approximate order is dependent on the support length of analysis scaling function rather than its degree of regularity. This method provides two outstanding advantages: the prefilters can be designed with higher approximate orders than the existing prefilters, e.g., the special prefilters from the values at integer points of the synthesis scaling function and the prefilters from prescaling function method; moreover, the method is easy to be extended to the case of nonuniform sampling, in which the prefilters are time-variant and their approximate order is dependent on the support length of analysis scaling function as well as the distribution of sample points.
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