Merging the widdle factors in two neighbouring stages for frequency-decimal FFT algorithm, we can obtain the twiddle factor merged frequency-decimal FFT algorithm. Its result is exactly the same as that of the rescursive cyclotomic factorization algorithm (RCFA) which Martens (1984) proposed by using polynomial algebra theory. So it has the advantages of simple structure and high efficiency. It is much easier to be understood and used by engineers than RCFA, and it is also easy to be generalized for the time-decimal case.
J. B. Martens, IEEE Trans. on ASSP, ASSP-32(1984), 750.[2]A. V. Oppenheim and R. W. Schafer, Digital Siginal Processing, Prentice-Hall Inc., 1975.[3]董士嘉、杨耀增译,数字信号处理,科学出版社,1980.