Cao Dazhong, Ren Feng. The backward SRA power control algorithm of wideband multimedia CDMA system[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(1): 131-135.
Cao Dazhong, Ren Feng. The backward SRA power control algorithm of wideband multimedia CDMA system[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(1): 131-135.
Cao Dazhong, Ren Feng. The backward SRA power control algorithm of wideband multimedia CDMA system[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(1): 131-135.
Cao Dazhong, Ren Feng. The backward SRA power control algorithm of wideband multimedia CDMA system[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(1): 131-135.
The design of Generation 3 mobile comrrmnication systern is required to support multimedia conimunication. Effective power control is necessary, as different QoS i.s required at reoeiving ends for each service. This paper presents SRA (Stepwise Removal Algorithrn) algorithm through introducing the idea of power equivalence. It is verified by ernulator analysis that this algorithrn can increase system capacity while ensuririg serving quality of each service.
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