Yun Ri-sheng, Peng Hai-liang, Wang Yan-ping. Coherence MAP Classification and Its Application in Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1449-1454.
Yun Ri-sheng, Peng Hai-liang, Wang Yan-ping. Coherence MAP Classification and Its Application in Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1449-1454.
Yun Ri-sheng, Peng Hai-liang, Wang Yan-ping. Coherence MAP Classification and Its Application in Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1449-1454.
Yun Ri-sheng, Peng Hai-liang, Wang Yan-ping. Coherence MAP Classification and Its Application in Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2004, 26(9): 1449-1454.
Based on the analyzing of the relation between interferoinetric SAR coherence map classification and two-dimensional phase unwrapping, coherence map classification is applied in two-dimensional phase unwrapping. A K-mean and Markov random field combined classification algorithm is presented for the coherence map classification. The classified coherence map is used to confine the propagation of the local phase errors of low coherence! regions during the two-dimensional phase unwrapping. The experiments on airborne X-band InSAR data show the validity of this approach.
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