Li Qingliang, Ge Debiao. AN FDTD NEAR TO FAR ZONE TRANSFORMATION FOR GROUND WAVE SCATTERING FROM OBJECTS ABOVE A FLAT EARTH[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 428-432.
Li Qingliang, Ge Debiao. AN FDTD NEAR TO FAR ZONE TRANSFORMATION FOR GROUND WAVE SCATTERING FROM OBJECTS ABOVE A FLAT EARTH[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 428-432.
Li Qingliang, Ge Debiao. AN FDTD NEAR TO FAR ZONE TRANSFORMATION FOR GROUND WAVE SCATTERING FROM OBJECTS ABOVE A FLAT EARTH[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 428-432.
Li Qingliang, Ge Debiao. AN FDTD NEAR TO FAR ZONE TRANSFORMATION FOR GROUND WAVE SCATTERING FROM OBJECTS ABOVE A FLAT EARTH[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 428-432.
A scheme of FDTD near to far zone transformation for ground wave scattering from objects above a flat earth is presented in this paper. With the equivalent principle, the equivalent electric and magnetic currents can be obtained from FDTD near field output boundaries. The fields radiated by these currents in the presence of a flat earth are then calculated using the reciprocity theorem and the known lateral wave formula of a vertical dipole(King, et al. 1992). Numerical results show excellent agreement between this scheme and analytical method. The feasibility of another approximation approach (Q.L.Li, et al. 1997) is also tested by this scheme.
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