Zhang Xinggan, Zhu Zhaoda. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CORRECTOR OF ERRORS IN I Q CHANNELS WITH DSP[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 311-314.
Zhang Xinggan, Zhu Zhaoda. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CORRECTOR OF ERRORS IN I Q CHANNELS WITH DSP[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 311-314.
Zhang Xinggan, Zhu Zhaoda. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CORRECTOR OF ERRORS IN I Q CHANNELS WITH DSP[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 311-314.
Zhang Xinggan, Zhu Zhaoda. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CORRECTOR OF ERRORS IN I Q CHANNELS WITH DSP[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1999, 21(3): 311-314.
This paper describes the implementation of the corrector of I Q errors in coherent processor. The correcting network consists of combination logic circuit and it can correct the gain and phase imbalances and the bias errors of the in-phase and quadrature channels in coherent signal processing. The correcting coefficients are computed with DSP using a test signal. The image level without correction is about -27dB if the errors of gain and phase in the coherent processor are 0.1dB and 5 respectively. The experimental results show that the
image level is reduced to -52dB from -27dB after correcting the errors.
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