Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.
Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.
Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.
Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.
The matrix D describing the relations of the loops to the nodes in the graph, the branch set based on the independent loops, and their matrix Q are defined. The theorem in which the product of the loop-node matrix D multiplied by the incidence matri A is equal to the matrix Q is put forward and proved. The admittance matrix Ytc of the branch set is defined, and it is assumed that the vector voltage of the branch set,Vle is a calculative quantity. So the equation of the branch set is derived and the branch set is derived and the branch set method is put forward.
W. K. Chen, Applied Graph Theory, Amsterdam, North Holand, 1967, pp. 36-76.[2]陈树柏等, 网络图论及其应用,科学出版社,1982年,第186-240页.[3]v楼世博等,图论及其应用,人民邮电出版社,1982年,第46-81页.[4]S. Seshu, M. B. Reed, Linear Graph and Electrical Networks, Reading, Mass., 1961, ch.4.[5]成震国等,电路基本理论习题解答,人民教育出版社,1981年,第164页.
Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.
Wen Shutian, Luo Tao. ANALYSIS OF THE ELECTRIC NETWORK BY THE BRANCH SET METHOD[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 1988, 10(4): 297-304.