In general, Doppler parameters are the main reason that leads to degrading of the SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imaging quality. Now the algorithms to estimate Doppler parameters mainly are Mapdrift, Phase Gradient Autofocus (PGA) algorithms and so on. The drawback of these algorithms lie in the fact that the high-order Doppler parameter can not be estimated, and need iteration during estimating. In this paper Product High-order Ambiguity Function (PHAF) is introduced to estimate the Doppler parameter in synthetic aperture radar. The new algorithm, which has the ability to estimate high order parameters, doesnt need any initial information on Doppler rate and it can be completed with clutter lock at the same time. The algorithm based on PHAF is presented and analyzed in detail. The autofocus result is compared between PHAF and MapDrift under the condition of low Signal Noise Ratio (SNB) and with the existence of high order phase errors. It shows that PHAF is faster, more robust and accurate; meanwhile, exact result is available when SNB is low, and finally the imaging results indicate that the PHAF can improve resolution of SAR image greatly.
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