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YAN Zhiguang, WEI Yongzhuang, YE Tao. Related-key Differential Cryptanalysis of Full-round PFP Ultra-lightweight Block Cipher[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240782
Citation: YAN Zhiguang, WEI Yongzhuang, YE Tao. Related-key Differential Cryptanalysis of Full-round PFP Ultra-lightweight Block Cipher[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240782

Related-key Differential Cryptanalysis of Full-round PFP Ultra-lightweight Block Cipher

doi: 10.11999/JEIT240782
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China (62162016, 62402132)
  • Received Date: 2024-09-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-12-30
  • Available Online: 2025-01-11
  •   Objective   In 2017, the PFP algorithm was introduced as an ultra-lightweight block cipher to address the demand for efficient cryptographic solutions in constrained environments, such as the Internet of Things (IoT). With a hardware footprint of approximately 1355 GE and low power consumption, PFP has attracted attention for its ability to deliver high-speed encryption with minimal resource usage. Its encryption and decryption speeds outperform those of the internationally recognized PRESENT cipher by a factor of 1.5, making it highly suitable for real-time applications in embedded systems. While the original design documentation asserts that PFP resists various traditional cryptographic attacks, including differential, linear, and impossible differential attacks, the possibility of undiscovered vulnerabilities remains unexplored. This study evaluates the algorithm’s resistance to related-key differential attacks, a critical cryptanalysis method for lightweight ciphers, to determine the actual security level of the PFP algorithm using formal cryptanalysis techniques.  Methods   To evaluate the security of the PFP algorithm, Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is used to model the cipher’s round function and automate the search for distinguishers indicating potential design weaknesses. SMT, a formal method increasingly applied in cryptanalysis, facilitates automated attack generation and the detection of cryptographic flaws. The methodology involved constructing mathematical models of the cipher’s rounds, which are tested for differential characteristics under various key assumptions. Two distinguisher models are developed: one based on single-key differentials and the other on related-key differentials, the latter being the focus of this analysis. These models automated the search for weak key differentials that could enable efficient key recovery attacks. The analysis leveraged the nonlinear substitution-permutation structure of the PFP round function to systematically identify vulnerabilities. The results are examined to estimate the probability of key recovery under different attack scenarios and assess the effectiveness of related-key differential cryptanalysis against the full-round PFP cipher.  Results and Discussions  The SMT-based analysis revealed a critical vulnerability in the PFP algorithm. A related-key differential characteristic with a probability of 2–62 is identified, persisting through 32 encryption rounds. This characteristic indicates a predictable pattern in the cipher’s behavior under related-key conditions, which can be exploited to recover the secret key. Such differentials are particularly concerning as they expose a significant weakness in the cipher’s resistance to related-key attacks, a critical threat in IoT applications where keys may be reused or related across multiple devices or sessions.Based on this finding, a key recovery attack is developed, requiring only 263 chosen plaintexts and 248 full-round encryptions to retrieve the 80-bit master key. The efficiency of this attack demonstrates the vulnerability of the PFP cipher to practical cryptanalysis, even with limited computational resources. The attack’s relatively low complexity suggests that PFP may be unsuitable for applications demanding high security, particularly in environments where adversaries can exploit related-key differential characteristics. Moreover, these results indicate that the existing resistance claims for the PFP cipher are insufficient, as they do not account for the effectiveness of related-key differential cryptanalysis. This challenges the assertion that the PFP algorithm is secure against all known cryptographic attacks, emphasizing the need for thorough cryptanalysis before lightweight ciphers are deployed in real-world scenarios.(Fig. 2: Related-key differential characteristic with probability 2–62 in 32 rounds; Table 1: Attack complexity and resource requirements for related-key recovery.)  Conclusions   In conclusion, this paper presents a cryptographic analysis of the PFP lightweight block cipher, revealing its vulnerability to related-key differential attacks. The proposed key recovery attack demonstrates that, despite its efficiency in hardware and speed, PFP fails to resist attacks exploiting related-key differential characteristics. This weakness is particularly concerning for IoT applications, where key reuse or related keys across devices is common. These findings highlight the need for further refinement in lightweight cipher design to ensure robust resistance against advanced cryptanalysis techniques. As lightweight ciphers continue to be deployed in security-critical systems, it is essential that designers consider all potential attack vectors, including related-key differentials, to strengthen security guarantees. Future work should focus on enhancing the cipher’s security by exploring alternative key-schedule designs or increasing the number of rounds to mitigate the identified vulnerabilities. Additionally, this study emphasizes the effectiveness of SMT-based formal methods in cryptographic analysis, providing a systematic approach for identifying previously overlooked weaknesses in cipher designs.
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