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Volume 47 Issue 1
Jan.  2025
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LIN Honglei, GENG Minyan, FU Dong, OU Gang, XIAO Wei, MA Ming. A Code-phase Shift Key-Linear Frequency Modulated Low Earth Orbit Navigation Signal and Acquisition Performance Analysis[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2025, 47(1): 211-222. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240650
Citation: LIN Honglei, GENG Minyan, FU Dong, OU Gang, XIAO Wei, MA Ming. A Code-phase Shift Key-Linear Frequency Modulated Low Earth Orbit Navigation Signal and Acquisition Performance Analysis[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2025, 47(1): 211-222. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240650

A Code-phase Shift Key-Linear Frequency Modulated Low Earth Orbit Navigation Signal and Acquisition Performance Analysis

doi: 10.11999/JEIT240650
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China (U20A20193)
  • Received Date: 2024-07-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-12-04
  • Available Online: 2024-12-12
  • Publish Date: 2025-01-31
  •   Objective   The provision of satellite navigation services through Low Earth Orbit (LEO) constellations has become a prominent topic in the Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT) system. Although LEO satellites offer low spatial propagation loss and high signal power at ground level. However, their high-speed movement results in significant dynamics in the signal, leading to considerable Doppler frequency shifts that affect signal reception on the ground. This dynamic environment increases the frequency search space required by receivers. Furthermore, LEO constellations typically comprise hundreds or even thousands of satellites to achieve global coverage, further expanding the search space for satellite signals at terminals. Consequently, during cold start conditions, the LEO satellite navigation system faces a substantial increase in the search range for navigation signals, presenting significant challenges for signal acquisition. Existing GPS, BDS, GALILEO, and other navigation signals primarily utilize BPSK-CDMA modulation, relying on spread spectrum sequences to differentiate various satellite signals. However, these existing signals exhibit limited resistance to Doppler frequency offsets. Therefore, research into signal waveforms that are more suitable for LEO satellite navigation systems is crucial. Such research aims to enhance the anti-Doppler frequency offset capability and multi-access performance under conditions involving numerous satellites, thereby improving the signal acquisition performance of LEO navigation terminals and enhancing the overall availability of LEO navigation systems.  Methods   This paper adopts a multi-faceted research approach including theoretical analysis, simulation experiments, and comparative analysis. Since the performance of the correlation function directly impacts signal acquisition performance, an initial theoretical analysis of the correlation function and the multiple access capabilities of the proposed signal is conducted. Following this, the corresponding capture detection metrics and decision-making methods are proposed based on the principles of signal capture. The investigation continues with a focus on optimizing capture parameters, followed by verification of the signal’s acquisition performance through simulations and experiments. Additionally, the performance of the proposed signal is compared to that of traditional navigation signals using both theoretical and simulation analyses.  Results  and Discussions The theoretical analysis outcomes reveal that the proposed Code-phase Shift Key-Linear Frequency Modulated (CSK-LFM) signal exhibits lower Doppler loss, delay loss, and multiple access loss when compared to the traditional Binary Phase Shift Keying–Code Division Multiple Access (BPSK-CDMA) signal. To minimize the loss of signal detection capacity, it is advisable to expand the signal bandwidth and reduce the spread spectrum ratio during the signal design phase. A satellite parallel search method is developed for the acquisition of the CSK-LFM signal, employing a Partial Match Filter-Fast Fourier Transformations (PMF-FFT) approach. A parameter optimization model has also been developed to enhance the acquisition performance of the CSK-LFM signal. Furthermore, the acquisition performance of CSK-LFM and BPSK-CDMA signals are compared. Under the same conditions, the acquisition and search space required for the BPSK-CDMA signal is larger than that of the CSK-LFM signal. It is noteworthy that, under equivalent dynamic conditions, the acquisition performance of the CSK-LFM signal is approximately 1 dB superior to that of the BPSK-CDMA signal. Lastly, experimental results confirm that the proposed satellite parallel search method based on the PMF-FFT acquisition algorithm is effective for the acquisition of CSK-LFM signals.  Conclusions   To address the challenge of achieving rapid signal acquisition in low-orbit satellite navigation systems, a hybrid modulation scheme, CSK-LFM is designed. The LFM modulation improves the signal’s Doppler tolerance, while the use of diverse pseudo-code phases enables multiple access broadcasts from different satellites. This design compresses the three-dimensional search space involving satellite count, time delay, and Doppler shift. Additionally, a satellite parallel search method is implemented based on a PMF-FFT acquisition algorithm for the CSK-LFM signal. An optimization model for acquisition parameters is also developed to enhance performance. Our comparative analysis of the acquisition performance between CSK-LFM and BPSK-CDMA signals demonstrates that at a signal intensity of 40 dBHz, the navigation signal using CSK-LFM modulation achieves an acquisition performance approximately 1 dB superior to that of the BPSK-CDMA modulation signal under identical conditions; furthermore, the signal search space can be reduced to one-tenth that of the BPSK-CDMA modulation signal.
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