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Volume 47 Issue 1
Jan.  2025
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SUN Tongjing, ZHU Qingyu, WANG Zhizhuan. Improved Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Method Based On Active Waveguide Invariant Distribution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2025, 47(1): 167-177. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240595
Citation: SUN Tongjing, ZHU Qingyu, WANG Zhizhuan. Improved Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Method Based On Active Waveguide Invariant Distribution[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2025, 47(1): 167-177. doi: 10.11999/JEIT240595

Improved Extended Kalman Filter Tracking Method Based On Active Waveguide Invariant Distribution

doi: 10.11999/JEIT240595
Funds:  The Joint Foundation of National Natural Science Foundation of China (U22A2044)
  • Received Date: 2024-07-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-12-04
  • Available Online: 2024-12-07
  • Publish Date: 2025-01-31
  •   Objective   The complex and variable nature of the underwater environment presents significant challenges for the field of underwater target tracking. Factors such as environmental noise, interference, and reverberation can severely distort and obscure the signals emitted or reflected by underwater targets, complicating accurate detection and tracking efforts. Additionally, advancements in weak target signal technology add further complexity, as they necessitate sophisticated methods to enhance and interpret signals that may be lost amidst background noise. The challenges associated with underwater target tracking are multifaceted. One major issue is the interference that can compromise the integrity and reliability of target information. Another critical challenge lies in the difficulty of extracting useful feature information from the often chaotic underwater environment. Traditional tracking methods, which typically rely on basic signal processing techniques, frequently fall short in addressing these complexities. Underwater tracking technology serves as a cornerstone in several key fields, including marine science, military strategy, and marine resource development. Notably, effective underwater tracking is essential for monitoring, sonar detection, and the deployment of underwater weapons within the military sector. Considering the significance of underwater tracking technology, there is an urgent need for innovative methods to address the existing challenges. Therefore, this paper proposes a unified approach that views the target and environment as an integrated system, extracting coupled features—specifically, active waveguide invariants—and fusing these features into the motion model to enhance underwater tracking capabilities.  Methods:   This paper presents an enhanced extended Kalman filter tracking method, which is built upon the active waveguide invariant distribution. The mathematical model for active waveguide invariant representation is derived based on the foundational theory of target scattering characteristics in shallow water waveguides, with specific consideration of transmitter-receiver separation. This derivation establishes the constraint relationships among distance, frequency, and the active waveguide invariant distribution. These constraints are subsequently incorporated into the state vector of the extended Kalman filter to enhance the alignment between the target motion model and the actual trajectory, thereby improving tracking accuracy. The method includes image preprocessing steps such as filtering, edge detection, and edge smoothing, followed by the application of the Radon transform to extract essential parameters, including distance and frequency. The Radon transform is refined using threshold filtering to improve parameter extraction. The active waveguide invariant distribution is then computed, and the tracking performance of the method is validated through simulation experiments and real measurement data. The simulation setup involves a rigid ball as the target in a shallow water environment, modeled using a constant velocity assumption. Real measurement data is collected under similar conditions at the Xin’An River experimental site. For both simulations and real measurements, a steel ball model target and constant velocity model are employed, with equipment deployed on the same horizontal plane.   Results and Discussions:   First, the distribution of the constant of propagation within the active waveguide was obtained through simulation experiments. A comparison was made between the Invariant Distribution-Extended Kalman Filter (ID-EKF), the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), and the Invariance Extended Kalman Filter (IEKF). In trajectory tracking, the ID-EKF demonstrated closer alignment to the true trajectory compared to both the EKF and IEKF. Additionally, in terms of the mean square error of the predicted posterior position, the ID-EKF exhibited a lower error rate. As indicated by the overall estimation accuracy, the ID-EKF achieved approximately 50% greater accuracy than the EKF and about 30% higher accuracy than the IEKF. Subsequently, the ID-EKF algorithm was validated in a real-world scenario using actual measurement data. The acoustic field interference stripes were obtained through the processing of received echo signals, and the distribution of the constant of propagation was extracted by manually selecting points and conducting a maximum search, followed by curve fitting using the joint edge curve fitting method. Results from Monte Carlo simulation experiments demonstrated a decreasing order of tracking accuracy for the ID-EKF, IEKF, and EKF, consistent with the simulation results. The overall estimation accuracy of the ID-EKF was approximately 60% higher than that of the EKF and about 40% superior to that of the IEKF.  Conclusions:  This paper presents a novel tracking method based on the extended Kalman filter, informed by the interference characteristics of target and environmental coupling in shallow water waveguides. The effectiveness of this method is substantiated through both theoretical simulation data and empirical lake measurement data. The active waveguide invariant distribution was derived using the Radon transform, which facilitated the implementation of the ID-EKF tracking. Results from both simulations and experiments reveal that the extracted active invariant value distribution manifests in two scenarios: either coinciding with 1 or exhibiting significant deviation from 1. When the extracted invariant value is markedly different from 1, the ID-EKF demonstrates a reduced tracking error and a more pronounced convergence relative to other tracking algorithms, highlighting the importance of precisely extracting this value to enhance the ID-EKF’s performance. Conversely, when the extracted value is close to 1, the tracking error of the ID-EKF aligns more closely with that of the IEKF algorithm. In both cases, it is evident that the extracted invariant value is pivotal in enhancing the accuracy of the tracking algorithm. Future research will prioritize the extraction of more accurate invariant values to facilitate the development of higher-precision tracking algorithms.
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