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Volume 38 Issue 2
Feb.  2016
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Article Contents
LI Shaodong, YANG Jun, CHEN Wenfeng, MA Xiaoyan. Overview of Radar Imaging Technique and Application Based on Compressive Sensing Theory[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(2): 495-508. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150874
Citation: LI Shaodong, YANG Jun, CHEN Wenfeng, MA Xiaoyan. Overview of Radar Imaging Technique and Application Based on Compressive Sensing Theory[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(2): 495-508. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150874

Overview of Radar Imaging Technique and Application Based on Compressive Sensing Theory

doi: 10.11999/JEIT150874
  • Received Date: 2015-07-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2015-12-08
  • Publish Date: 2016-02-19
  • Compressive Sensing (CS) theory, based on the sparsity of interested signal, samples degree-of-freedom of signal. CS is expected to improve the performance of imaging radar in the following aspects: improving the quality of imaging, simplifying the designing of radar hardware, shortening the imaging time and compressing data. This paper first combines the analysis of radar imaging with the three aspects of CS, namely the sparsity of interested signal, the compressive sampling and optimization method. Thereafter a particular and comprehensive review of CS theory in imaging radar is summarized, mainly including the relationship between sparsity of the scene and imaging, compressive sampling methods, fast and accurate reconstruction of the scene and the applications to different imaging radar systems. Finally, the unresolved problems in current research and further study directions are pointed out.
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